Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Addie's Sick

It's amazing that our children are more resilient that their parents when they are ill. I've been frustrated for three long days thinking we were going through a spell of her being spoiled and wanting to be held 24/7 and then some. When finally today, her fever emerged and everything began to make sense. But in the interim of all that went on, I think my heart ached much more than her strong body versus my weak heart. Emotions I never felt fun through this cold blood I carry were so foreign that I didn't get all teary-eyed and sappy, I just became snappy, difficult, ready to fight the world instead of succumbing to tears that my child was ill. And to think of the many more that will come my way-long nights, long days, arms ready to fall apart and that's not even counting her first time her little heart will hurt. Oh, I dread and look forward to those days knowing I can not do it without Him and my hubby. Thank goodness He is stronger than little 'ol me.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Baby Dedication

"Suffer the little children to come unto Me and forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of God."

On Sunday, July 13th, 2008 Dale and I were honored to dedicate Addison back to Him. I must have cried through the whole worship part of the service as we waited so long for this day. It probably doesn't mean a lot to other people, but as a child and seeing the picture of me being dedicated by my parents and seeing child after child be presented to Him and even my brother's children. I thought it was a honor just to see Daisy & Alyssa at their church and then Zander on my father's 60th birthday party. So we are extremely honored to do this today.


  • Mom
  • Pepa & Mema
  • Nana
  • Lisa all the way from Texas
  • Uncle Sam & Aunt Lily
  • Roger & Aunt Martie
  • Uncle David & Dickie
  • Ruth & Kathy
  • Andy, Brenda, Elisha & Emma (Only3 days older than Addie)
  • Franco & Melissa
  • Buddy, Christina, Andrew, & Matthew
  • Ryan & Anthony
  • Norma
  • Luis, Julie & Isabella
  • Eloisa, Alyssa & Evan
  • Josette, Reagan &
  • Chuck, Kim & Gillian
Joined us later at the celebration:

  • Uncle Joe, Auntie T, Daisy, Alyssa & Zander
  • Uncle Paul
  • Holley Montoya
  • Kenny & Wilma Lee Okano

October Celebrations to come...

Daddy-October 13
Uncle Paul - October 27
Antony "Fred" - October 31